Europinion – What does love mean to you?

Epoch Times18. Februar 2011

Interviewee 1 – “Valentines day should be every day not just on the fourteenth of February.  You don’t need to wait for the 14th of February to get a nice bunch of flowers.”

Interviewee 2 – “You’re speaking to someone who’s been married for 54 years and has been very happy, so if your asking about love between man and woman and woman that’s fine. My husband happens to be a minister of the church, retired now, so that also means Christian love to me, which is an attitude of mind.”

Interviewee 3 – “Love is a relationship of two souls, and apart from that, helping each other in needs and deeds and never leave each other.”

Interviewee 2 – “So it’s all important. Love’s the thing that keeps the world going round.”


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