Russia in Grief After Metro Suicide Bomb Attacks

Epoch Times1. April 2010

The Moscow city morgue  a day after two suicide bombs ripped through packed metro carriages during morning rush hour. Victims‘ families come to identify the bodies of relatives. One man wishes his son had driven to work that day.

[Vladimir Petrovich, Dead Victim’s Father]:

„He usually drove but he had to give his licence in, so he went by metro and he died. He had to give everything in to the traffic police because they took him to court as there was something wrong with his license.”

The city observed an official day of mourning for the 39 people who died in the attacks.

A special service was held in the capital’s cathedral of Christ the Saviour.

Moscow residents also went to blood donation centers to help victims.

[Blood Donor]:

„At the moment a lot of people are taking time out to give blood especially after horrible events like yesterday.“

Eye witnesses recall the terrifying moments of the attack.

[Svetlana Blinova, Witness of Explosion]:

„They announced Lubyanka station and just then there was a huge bang and explosion, followed by dark, grey smoke, the screaming started and glass flew everywhere, pieces of debris, and people started to run and I also ran out of the carriage. I didn’t see anything else.“

[Witness of Bomb Attack]:

„There was a cloud of smoke, I didn’t pay much attention. I took another couple of steps and saw a crowd coming up the escalator and running toward me and I turned around and ran away from that crowd because I was afraid they would crush me.“

No one has claimed responsibility for the attack, but the Russian government is stepping up security across the capital.


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