German President Shock Resignation

Epoch Times1. Juni 2010

German President Horst Koehler unexpectedly resigned on Monday after comments he made about military action abroad met with heavy criticism. The resignation may cause yet more problems for conservative Chancellor Angela Merkel.

Merkel is already battling a euro zone debt crisis, sinking popularity and an increasingly awkward coalition partner.

Now she will have to find a new and successful candidate for president. Her conservatives had backed Koehler for re-election by a special assembly last year.

The German President is responsible for signing bills into law but the role is largely ceremonial.

[Horst Koehler, German President]:

„My remarks on May 22 of this year about the German army’s foreign missions were met with heavy criticism. I regret that my comments could lead to a misunderstanding about an important and difficult question for our nation. But the criticism goes as far as implying that I would favour German army missions not covered by the constitution. This criticism has no justification whatsoever. It lacks the necessary respect for my position. I herewith declare my resignation from the position of German president, with immediate effect. I thank the many people in Germany who bestowed trust in me and who supported my work.“

Koehler has already signed off a law allowing Europe’s biggest economy to contribute to a 750 billion euro emergency debt package. His resignation is not expected to have a market impact.

As a former head of the International Monetary Fund, Koehler has spoken out on the debt crisis enveloping the euro zone, but his departure will have little impact on German policy.

Koehler had recently made a surprise visit to a German base in Northern Afghanistan, where currently some 4,300 German soldiers are stationed.


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