Atlantis Space Crew Preps for Launch

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times24. Juni 2011

This is the crew who will be at the helm when the Atlantis shuttle launches for it’s last mission.

In the meantime, they’ll be taking care of final preparations and rehearsing for launch day.

Atlantis Commander Chris Ferguson says they feel honored to be part of such a historic event.

[Chris Ferguson, Atlantis Mission Commander:

„So we consider ourselves fortunate, lucky. I think and we haven’t talked about this, I think each of us feel extra burdened to make sure we put on the best possible face forward for the last go around of this and the crew is very prepared. We are going to go out and do a fantastic job and like I said when its all over at the very end I think that’s when the enormity of it is going to hit us. You know that last wheel stop call is going to be a little tough.“

Orange launch-and-entry suits, ride out to the pad and strap into their seats on Atlantis, just as they will on launch day. Atlantis’s launch is targeted for July 8th.

Foto: NTD

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