Elephants Vacation at a Japanese Beach

Epoch Times2. August 2009

The two friendly animals, Terry and Pulli, took some time off from their performance schedule at the Ichihara Elephant Kingdom to relax on the beach.

They mingled with a crowd of about 25 admirers that gathered on the shore.Parents and children lined up to feed them fresh fruit and vegetables. For many kids, the experience was an educational one.

[Rie Odo, 8-years-old]:
„Elephant skin is very hard.“

[Daiki Matsumoto, 5-years-old]:
„It uses its trunk to put food in its mouth.“

In addition to their on the spot picnic, Terry and Pulli had some fun in the water.

The Ichihara Elephant Kingdom, where Terry and Pulli live, is a local zoo that houses many exotic animals including zebras, camels and kangaroos.

But Terry, Pulli and their fellow elephants are the main attraction. The park offers elephant rides, performances and more.

Trainers say that the elephants love the beach and have been visiting it for the last three or four years.

[Sayuri Sakamoto, Zookeeper]:
„Elephants like wide open space and water. In Japan, it’s hard to find rivers and lakes nearby, that’s why we bring them here to the ocean.“

Terry, a 16-year-old-male, and Pulli, an 18-year-old-female, grew up together in a park in India.

Together they have a child, a young two-year-old girl named Yumehana, who also lives at the zoo.


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