Emotional Funeral for Russian Boat Tragedy Victims

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times14. Juli 2011

An emotional funeral after a tragic boat accident.

The captain of The Bulgaria was buried on Wednesday after his ship sunk two days earlier during a storm in Russia’s Volga river.

As many as 129 people may have died in the accident, many of them children.

At his funeral, the captain’s ex-wife tried to deflect any criticism directed toward him over the ship’s sinking.

[Tatyana Ostrovskaya, Captain’s Ex-Wife]:

„He had a chance to save himself, as everybody did who was near him, he was a good swimmer, but he simply did his civil duty, steadfast and heroically, up to the bitter end. He tried to do everything possible, despite the minimal time left to rescue the passengers, but when he realized that the ship was sinking he locked himself in the wheelhouse, held the steering wheel and so went down standing at the wheel.“

Anger has been mounting since the accident amid claims that the sinking could have been avoided.

The disaster underscores concerns about the negligence, corner cutting and corruption that troubles Russia.

The tourist boat, which was meant for up to 140 people, was carrying 208 – including 25 unregistered passengers.

Seventy-nine of those on board at the time of the accident were rescued.

Foto: NTD

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