France Celebrates Bastille Day

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times15. Juli 2011

A grand show of France’s military might, as the streets of Paris host the annual Bastille Day parades.

But the marches come amid mourning, as the country grieves after five French soldiers were killed in Afghanistan just a day earlier.

This year’s parade, which commenced under the watchful gaze of President Nicolas Sarkozy, was dedicated to France’s overseas „departments.“

Contingents from these overseas territories – which are fully fledged parts of France – were followed by the traditional parades of police, firemen, soldiers and sailors.

Air divisions also flew overhead.

The day’s parades though were overshadowed by events in Afghanistan.

The soldiers‘ deaths at the hands of insurgents is one of the worst incidents in France’s decade long involvement in the country.

Foto: NTD

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