Further Toxic Waste Spill Feared In Hungary

Epoch Times11. Oktober 2010

Crews and locals are cleaning up a toxic sludge leak that killed seven people in Hungary as the risk of a second spill looms.

Red liquid waste flowed from the alumina plant reservoir 160 kilometers west of Budapest last Monday, polluting rivers, injuring many and forcing 800 people to evacuate.

Despite clean-up efforts, residents of the town Devecser may need to evacuate.

[Jeno Hefler, Devecser Resident]:
„It’s bad, bad. My son’s both legs are burned. He will be operated on tomorrow. I feel really bad. My whole life’s work… I feel terrible. They can’t say anything concrete about what will happen with us. My situation is impossible to describe, it’s impossible.“

Hungary’s prime minister warned Saturday that new cracks may cause the wall to collapse or spring additional leaks.

The national news reported that crews are building a new dam to prevent more sludge from inundating villages and waterways.

The caustic waste killed fish and other aquatic life in nearby rivers and burned many local residents.

Authorities are gathering neutralizing material to prevent contamination of the Danube River, which runs through many European countries.


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