Iceland‘ Volcano Cooling Down

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times26. Mai 2011

Steam and ash billow from the Grimsvotn volcano in Iceland.

The sight is spectacular.

But scientists say the end could be near for an eruption that has played havoc with air travel across northern Europe.

The amount of ash shooting from the volcano is down dramatically.

Most of what’s coming out now is steam, which usually means an eruption is coming to an end, say experts.

That’s good news for air travellers.

On Tuesday alone, 500 flights were cancelled.

In Germany, officials closed two airports on fears that ash could damage jet engines.

The move was criticised as overly cautious, but passengers did not seem to mind.

[Mr. Homan, Stranded Passenger]:

„For security measures, I accept this. That’s logical. It’s smarter to stay on the ground than to fall from the sky, isn’t it?“

German officials have since re-opened two airports, but scientists in Iceland aren’t yet prepared to declare the erruption over.

Foto: NTD

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