Michelle Obama Speaks in Soweto

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times24. Juni 2011

[Michelle Obama, U.S. First Lady]:

„It is because of them, that I stand before you as First Lady of the United States of America.“

Michelle Obama pays tribute to the sacrifice of black people in their struggle for freedom – in South Africa and the U.S. – during a speech in Soweto.

The U.S. first lady, speaking at the Regina Mundi Church in Johnannesburg’s most famous township, promoted issues such as education and health, urging her audience to help battle AIDS.

[Michelle Obama, U.S. First Lady]:

„You can be the generation that ends HIV/AIDS in our time. The generation that fights not just the disease, but the stigma of the disease. The generation that teaches the world that HIV is fully preventable and treatable and should never be a source of shame.“

Obama, visiting South Africa with her mother and two daughters, is on only her second solo trip abroad as First Lady.

Earlier in the day she laid a wreath at the memorial to one of those who lost their lives during protests in apartheid South Africa in the 70s.

And in her address she urged her audience to learn the lessons of the past and push on for a better future, using her husband’s famous campaign slogan.

[Michelle Obama, U.S. First Lady]:

„If anyone ever tells you that you shouldn’t or you can’t, then I want you to say with one voice, the voice of a generation, you tell them ‚yes we can.‘ What do you say? Yes we can. What do you say? Yes we can! Thank you all so much, God bless you.“

Foto: NTD

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