New „Tough“ Smoking Ban in China

Epoch Times9. September 2010

Chinese authorities in Guangzhou are banning smoking in some public areas. It’s in preparation for the upcoming Asian Games in November. Doubts are already surfacing about the ban, called the “toughest” ever.

From Wednesday, smokers are banned from lighting up in 12 public places, like elevators, conference rooms and restaurants. If they do, they risk a fine of 50 yuan, or $7 U.S. dollars. Given that Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong Province, is one of the richest cities in China, the small fine is not likely to discourage smokers.

Businesses failing to comply with the ban will be fined up to 30 thousand yuan.

Under the new law, citizens can report violators by calling a hotline. But a Guangzhou Daily reporter who made such a call said after 30 minutes, no law enforcer turned up, and the smoker had left the scene.

Less smoking could mean less money for the regime, as the tobacco industry still provides one-tenth of the Chinese regime’s tax revenues.

China has 350 million smokers, making up one third of the world’s smoking population.


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