Pope Visits Britain for Second Time Ever

Epoch Times17. September 2010

Pope Benedict the 14th landed in Scotland to start his four-day visit to Britain on Thursday.

He was greeted at Edinburgh Airport by a guard of honour, the Duke of Edinburgh and Cardinal Keith O’Brien.

The visit comes amidst weeks of controversy about child abuse scandals within the Church with some Catholics also disagreeing with the Pope’s stance on the issue.

„It means a lot probably for a lot of Catholics but then there’s quite a few of us as well who don’t agree with his views because he don’t agree with using condoms, and the paedophilia he seems to be covering it up rather than bringing it out into the open.“

In his speech to the Queen, dignitaries and the nation the Holy See reminded people that Britain’s long history was founded on belief in the divine.

[Pope Benedict XVI]:
„Today, the United Kingdom strives to be a modern and multicultural society. In this challenging enterprise, may it always maintain its respect for those traditional values and cultural expressions that more aggressive forms of secularism no longer value or even tolerate.“

Security is high for the second ever Papal visit to the UK, with hundreds of demonstrators from various groups gathering to protest. Yet most of the 125,000 spectators were there to welcome the Pope and enjoy the atmosphere.

“It means a lot to me. It’s just brilliant. It’s hard to describe. It’s just amazing, really.”

[Lieutenant General Andrew Graham, The Royal Regiment of Scotland]:
“If a head of state and head of a denomination of the church wishes to come to this country it is absolutely right and proper that we should welcome him and open our ears to listen. We may not like everything that is said but that is by-the-by. The world is a better place for people talking and talking rather than closing their minds.”

[School children]:
“It means a lot to me. The Pope is a very special person and we are all so glad to have this opportunity to come and see him.”

The bullet-proof Popemobile makes it’s way down Edinburgh’s main thoroughfare and onto the Cardinal’s residence.

After lunch the next leg of the Pope’s visit starts as he travels to Glasgow where thousands are gathered to listen to his sermon.

Stefan Byfield, NTD News, Scotland


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