Portugal: Firefighters And Farmers Losing Battle Against Wildfires

Epoch Times15. August 2010

Strong wildfires continue to rage in Portugal on Thursday.

At least 1,500 people are battling around 30 major fires in the north, where strong winds are fanning the flames.

About 45,000 acres of forest have been consumed since the beginning of August.

In Guarda, local farmers are dousing the fires themselves.

Firefighters never arrived, and the farmers need desperately to save their crops.

[Farmer & Fire Victim]:       
„Everything burned. Absolutely everything. Yesterday it was my neighbor’s farm that burned. We already finished the water from the irrigation wells and so far no firefighters have shown up. We asked for help from firefighters, police to the City Hall and nobody has come to help, as you can see.“

Two firefighters have died battling fires so far.

Civil protection officials said a small team of firefighters had to be evacuated on Tuesday when they were surrounded by flames after a sudden switch in the direction of the wind.

Firefighters and farmers alike are working hard to stop the blaze, but many fear they are fighting a losing battle.


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