Providence Audience Members “Awestruck” by Shen Yun

Epoch Times29. Juni 2010

Real estate company owner, Gloria Kurz, saw Shen Yun for the first time at the Providence Performing Arts Center over the weekend.

[Gloria Kurz, Real Estate Company Owner]:
“I am just awestruck by everything that was happening. It’s wonderful. It’s inspiring, it’s moving, it’s emotional.”

[Steve Paterson, Musician]:
“Serenity and peace. A sense of peacefulness.”

[Paul Tetrault, Insurance Company CEO]:
“It’s fantastic. I am glad I’m here, that’s for sure.”

[Steve Paterson, Musician]:
“I think they’re entertaining. As each segment comes along it becomes even more thrilling.”

It was Providence Mayor David Cicilline’s second time seeing Shen Yun.

[David Cicilline, Mayor of Providence, Rhode Island]:
“Shen Yun was a real gift to the residents of the city. It was a magnificent show, which brought forth beautiful music and wonderful dance and some great traditions of China. And I think everyone in the audience was memorized by the beauty of the show.”

[Josephine DiRuzzo, Providence City Councilwoman]:
“It was very enlightening. So all-in-all, I am very happy that I came. I am glad they came to Providence so that everybody has an opportunity to see this show.”

[Sam Meas, U.S. Congressional Candidate, Massachusetts]:
“I am from Boston. So I am sure that when the show comes back to Boston sometime next year I will certainly recommend it to my friends.”

NTD News, Providence, Rhode Island, U.S.


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.


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