Russell Crowe Dead? Latest Celebrity Death Hoax

Epoch Times11. Juni 2010

Is Russell Crowe dead?

Throughout the day many Internet users have been asking this very question. Different versions of the story have been debated on websites across the Internet.

We traced the story back to New York radio station Z100, who reportedly broadcast this morning that Russell Crowe, star of Robin Hood, had fallen down a mountain in Austria while filming a stunt for a new movie.

Yet, the rumors are now widely thought to be a hoax. Within hours of Z100’s broadcast, reported that a representative for Russell Crowe had told them that the rumors were not true.

We contacted Z100 radio for more information about Russell Crow’s supposed demise, but they failed to pick up the phone.

Celebrity death hoaxes are a common phenomenon. In June 2007 articles posted on the Internet falsely claimed that luxury hotel heiress Paris Hilton had died while in jail. In March 2006 movie star Will Farrell was falsely said to have died in a paragliding accident.


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