Shen Yun „Spectacle“ Mezmerizes Audience in San Francisco

Epoch Times27. Juli 2010

Audience members at Shen Yun Performing Arts appreciated the spectacle of the shows at San Francisco’s War Memorial Theater.

[Nadine Sache, Oil Painter]:
“The spectacle is surpasses everything, ballet, opera. It’s incredible. I was just blown away, mesmerized.”

Lawyer David Cook worked as a prosecuting attorney on the O.J. Simpson armed robbery case. It was his first time to see Shen Yun.

[David Cook, Lawyer]:
“It’s called spectacle with a capital ‘s’. And by spectacle, meaning specifically, is that you see color, you see song, you see dance, you saw a theme. And that’s really a spectacle. But it also had, as we like to say, a parable. It had a message and a meaning: true logic, a beginning, a middle and an end. And that’s what this show had, because each of the individual stories had a beginning middle and an end. That added to the spectacle, and the spectacle would be the color.”

Freelance writer David Scott is a fan of Shen Yun.

[David Scott, Freelance Writer]:
“It’s an experience. It’s something that words can’t even describe. It’s just incredible.”

[Matthew Sears, Yacht Club Manager]:
“The men were doing the archery and then the ladies were doing the flowing silk, after so I thought that was very beautiful.”

NTD News, San Francisco.


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2010 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.


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