Soccer Diplomacy for Turkey and Armenia

Epoch Times15. Oktober 2009

The presidents of Turkey and Armenia met in the Turkish city of Bursa. They’re watching a soccer match together to try to restore ties between the two countries.

Turkish President Abdullah Gul met with Armenian President Serzh Sarksyan for talks yesterday, and to watch a World Cup soccer match.

They want to end domestic opposition to the reopening of their border and restore ties after a century of hostility.

The Turkish President visited Armenia last year for the first leg of what has been called „soccer diplomacy.“ The two countries signed a landmark peace accord on October 10.

Turkey and Armenia share a history of hostility stemming from World War One. Turkey for its part says thousands of Ottoman Turks as well as Armenians were killed in fighting. Armenia says it was genocide, but Turkey rejects the term.

The game in Bursa will give the presidents a chance to discuss some thorny issues like lands disputed by Azerbaijan and Armenia, and polarized opinions surrounding genocide accusations.


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