Winter Storm System Hits Northern Germany

Epoch Times4. Februar 2010

Winter continues to hold northern Germany in its icy grip as storm front Miriam descended overnight into Wednesday morning.

Several deaths have been recorded as a result of slippery roads with one of the German federal states reporting 900 weather related traffic accidents in one morning.

In Saxony Anhalt early morning traffic stacked up as winds and snow drifts stalled any progress.

And for some drivers it was too late to turn back.


„I didn’t know it was this bad and by the time I did I was stuck.“

Drivers were left to help each other as even the snow ploughs struggled to make headway.

The German capital woke up to its first glimpse of blue sky in weeks after a night of fresh snow.

According to the German weather services the north of the country has not seen the end of the cold with temperatures expected to continue to hover around 0 degrees.

One of the country’s northern islands, Hiddensee, has been cut off from supplies and the rest of the country since the weekend, with forced evacuations taking place on Tuesday.

Germany has been suffering unrelenting winter weather since December and has seen the coldest January in 23 years.


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