Stockholm First European Green Capital

Epoch Times16. März 2010

80% of Europe’s population lives in cities. Cities therefore play an important role in making sure the environment is cleaner and safer for its citizens. This year, Sweden’s capital will act as a model city in environmental protection. Stockholm is the first city to receive the title of „European Green Capital“.

[Linda Persson, Project Manager, Stockholm European Green Capital]:

„In Stockholm City we have also been able to combine growth with environmental concerns.“

Composed of 14 islands, Stockholm is often called the Venice of the North. As a Nordic financial, commercial and cultural center, Stockholm inhabits almost 1.3 million people, and 95% of the population is living less than 300 meters away from green areas.

[Fredrik, Stockholm Resident]:

„It is clean and fresh and the noise pollution is getting lower and lower.“

[Finnish tourist]:

„It is a very beautiful northern capital.“

[Linda Persson, Project Manager, Stockholm European Green Capital]:

„I am mostly proud that it’s rather easy to not use your car, but I do go to work by bike or by public transport, and that saves me time and it’s fairly cheap.“

Throughout the year lots of environmental activities will take place across the European Green Capital. One example is a light show that took place on the city island of Djurgården. During two weeks of the dark wintertime, different artists, companies and lighting designers made the city more beautiful, but only by using the latest environmentally friendly light technologies.

The winner of the 2011 European Green Capital is Hamburg in Germany.

Dan Alfjorden, NTD News, Stockholm, Sweden


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