Japan Welcomes International Aid

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times28. März 2011

Japan’s northeastern island of Oshima – devastated, like so much of the country, by the March 11th earthquake and tsunami.

The isolated island has been cut off from the outside world since the disaster – but on Sunday aid arrived from the United States.

Thirty U.S. marines brought food and much needed supplies – including hygiene kits and water.

The islanders had survived for two weeks without any aid, purifying water from a swimming pool to drink.

The aid that has now reached them will help, but they are still missing some basic necessities.

[Yuto Onodaera, Oshima Resident]:

„The U.S. military forces and Japan’s defense forces brought supplies, making our life a lot easier. But because we don’t have enough electricity, water and gasoline, we are still going through hard times.“

Aid is also on its way from Israel.

The Jewish state sent two aircraft carrying military doctors and 60 tons of medical equipment with the intention of opening a field medical clinic in Miyagi prefecture.

The aircraft is also carrying supplies requested by the Japanese National Disaster Center, including thousands of winter coats, blankets and gloves.

In Cambodia meanwhile, local residents joined monks in offering prayers for the victims of the Japanese earthquake.

Members of the Japanese NGO network in Cambodia collected donations and raised funds to send to victims.

And every dollar helps.

The 9.0 magnitude quake which has left over 27,000 dead or missing could cost Japan over 300 billion U.S. dollars, making it the world’s costliest disaster.

Foto: NTD

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