Karlheinz Schreiber: Arms Dealer Extradited to Germany

Epoch Times4. August 2009

German-Canadian arms dealer Karlheinz Schreiber arrives in Munich.

He was extradited from Canada to face charges of tax evasion and corruption.

The 75-year-old was then taken to this prison in the nearby town of Augsburg.

The senior public prosecutor says if found guilty, Schreiber could be sentenced to up to 15 years in prison for tax evasion, among other charges.

[Reinhard Nemetz, Senior Public Prosecutor]:
„In addition, Schreiber is accused of having bribed a former state secretary, having aided two company managers with carrying out breach of trust, and aiding fraud which disadvantaged Saudi Arabia.“

Schreiber, seen here in Canada in 2004, was a key figure in a political scandal about slush funds involving former Christian Democrat Chancellor Helmut Kohl.

Schreiber became a Canadian citizen in 1982.

He was arrested in Toronto ten years ago and had fought his extradition since then.

He was allowed to remain in Canada until he testified at a public inquiry into cash payments he made to former Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

Mulroney denies any wrongdoing.

The inquiry held its final hearing a few days ago, and shortly afterwards Schreiber lost his appeal to block his deportation. 

Schreiber told Canadian media he thought his extradition was politically-motivated, coming shortly before the German election at the end of September.

But the trial seems unlikely to affect Christian Democrat Chancellor Angela Merkel, who distanced herself from Kohl after the scandal broke.


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