Germany: Cat Survives Two Week Burial Ordeal

Epoch Times3. August 2009

A cat appears to be the only survivor of a landslide in Germany that buried half a house and its two residents. The accident occurred on July 18 when a building partly collapsed into Concordia Lake in the village of Nachterstedt during a landslide in the former mining region.

Three residents are still missing after their lakeside home and another building suddenly collapsed into the water.

Hannes Kunnert, a youth from the neighboring village of Gatersleben saw the cat when he and his friend stood in the garden. The cat appeared to be hungry and unharmed.

[Hannes Kunnert]:
„Then my grandmother’s friend said ‚but that’s it, the cat from Nachterstedt.‘ So we took it in and fed it. It ate two cans.“

Meanwhile, authorities declared the area around the landslide as too dangerous to search for the missing.


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