Australian Surfer Survives Shark Attack

Epoch Times28. Juni 2009

Surfer Les Wade felt something grab his leg when he was out on a Saturday morning surf at Gerroa beach on Australia’s New South Wales south coast.

It was only when he showed his leg to some nearby surfers that he realized he had been bitten by a shark.

[Les Wade, Surfer]:
„I just lifted my leg up because I couldn’t see the leg because I was lying on the board. I just lifted it up. They said ‚oh, you better go in I think you’re going to need some stitches.‘ So I paddled back in and I had to paddle back over where the shark was.“

Wade made his way to the beach and to the local hospital where he received 50 stitches.

His wife Jenny believes the shark made an honest mistake.

[Jenny Wade, Wife of Les Wade]:
„I actually think it is was after flathead. Apparently there were flathead on the bottom out at Gerroa Beach. So, possible they mistook Les‘ foot and leg for a big flathead.“

“Flathead” is the name given by locals to a common saltwater fish.

It is commonly believed that sharks mistake surfers for turtles, seals and other ocean creatures.


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