Hong Kong Hosts New Year Fireworks Display

Epoch Times16. Februar 2010

It was raining on Monday in Hong Kong, but that didn’t stop hundreds and thousands of Hong Kongers from making it out to see the New Years fireworks display.

They lined both sides of Victoria Harbour to watch Chinese New Year fireworks light up Hong Kong’s iconic skyline.

Others took to the waters for a harbor cruise to get the best views.

Nearly 24,000 computer-controlled fireworks lit up the skies to celebrate and mark the New Year.

The display consisted of nine scenes, including the Chinese character for ji, symbolizing good fortune.

Chrysanthemum-shaped fireworks wishing Hong Kong the best also created a brilliant scene during the show which lasted for 23 minutes.

This New Year event has taken place in Hong Kong since 1982 and is meant to scare away demons to ensure good luck.


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