Prince William and Bride-to-Be Meet the Press

Epoch Times17. November 2010

Just hours after Britain’s royal family announced their engagement, Prince William and his longtime girlfriend, Kate Middleton, faced the cameras – with Kate providing more details of Prince William’s marriage proposal.

[Kate Middleton]:         
„Ah, he’s a true romantic and we had a wonderful holiday in Africa and it was out there in a very quiet lodge, and it was very romantic and very personal.“

All eyes were on Kate’s engagement ring – an oval sapphire surrounded by diamonds – that once belonged to Prince William’s late mother, Princess Diana.

In an interview after the photo-op, Prince William said the ring means a lot to him.

[Prince William]:
„So I thought it was quite nice because obviously she’s not around to share in the fun and excitement of all this.  This is my way of sort of keeping her close to it all.“

William courted Kate for almost nine years and the heir to the British throne was asked by the press — what took you so long?

[Prince William]:                  
„The answer to that, I don’t remember how many years it has been, forget the memory, I also didn’t realize it was a race otherwise I probably would have been a lot quicker, but also the timing is right now, we’re both very, very happy and I’m very glad that I have her.“

For Kate, joining the royal family and becoming a princess is a prospect she described as daunting.

[Kate Middleton]:
„It’s obviously nerve-racking because I don’t know the ropes really.  But I’m willing to learn quickly and work hard.“

William and Kate’s marriage will take place in the spring or summer of 2011, exactly 30 years after the wedding of William’s parents – Prince Charles and Princess Diana.


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