Northern Ireland/U.S.: Ted Kennedy Praised for his Peace Efforts in Northern Ireland

Epoch Times27. August 2009

And as many renowned people worldwide are reacting to Edward Kennedy’s death, Northern Ireland’s Deputy-First Minister praises the peacemaking efforts of the late U.S. Senator.

Deputy-First Minister and Sinn Fein leader, Martin McGuiness praised Senator Edward Kennedy for his contribution to the Northern Ireland peace process.

[Martin McGuiness, Deputy-First Minister]:
„He was an immense figure in U.S. politics, a giant of U.S. politics, and someone who has always been seen as a very powerful influence within Irish-America, and obviously in the run-in to the ceasefire of 1994, getting Irish-America on board for the peace process was of critical importance, and the fact that he came in so strongly behind President Clinton and the granting of the visa to Jerry Adams…”

The late senator took the helm of one of America’s most fabled political families after his two older brothers, John and Robert were assassinated.

Kennedy played an important part in the early days of the Northern Ireland peace process, particularly in the mid-1990’s, meeting with Sinn Fein leader Jerry Adams and John Hume, leader of the moderate Social Democrat and Labor Party (SDLP), among others.

He was instrumental in having the president grant Sinn Féin leader Gerry Adams a critical visa to the United States in the run-up to the IRA ceasefire of 1994.

Senator Kennedy also supported the family of the “Bloody Sunday” victims who were shot dead by the British Army in 1972.


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