China: Chengdu Authorities Snatch Body of Falun Gong Practitioner

Epoch Times1. Juli 2009

Xie Deqing was 69-years-old and a retired staff member from the Chengdu Institute. Since July 2008, he and his wife were under the surveillance and were harassed by police because they practiced Falun Gong, a traditional meditation practice now persecuted by communist authorities.

Back on April 29th, Xie Deqing and his wife went to a court in Chengdu’s Gaoxin zone to attend the trial of Falun Gong practitioners who were being targeted by authorities for persecution. But when Xie and his wife arrived, they were kidnapped by the director of the court’s security guard department, and were sent to the Chengdu Legal Education Center. There, authorities tried to brainwash them to denounce Falun Gong.

The re-education center sent Xie Deqing home because his health deteriorated during his stay there. He fell into a coma once he got back home. It was hard for him to drink water and he was in constant pain. The re-education center did not give any explanation for Xie’s condition.

Eventually Xie passed away. His hands and body were completely black. His family believes he was poisoned at the education center.

And Xie’s story doesn’t end there. His family says a hundred riot police arrived a morgue where his body was being held and took it away by force.

There have been scores of cases of Falun Gong practitioners who were injected with nerve-damaging drugs at the Chengdu Legal Re-education Center. Many who have made it out of the center became insane or disabled.

July 20th will mark the 10th anniversary of the persecution of Falun Gong, which began back in 1999. Since then, the Falun Gong website reports that more than 3,200 practitioners have been persecuted to death.


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