China: Rights Activist Huang Qi to Plead Not Guilty

Epoch Times31. Juli 2009

Chinese human rights activist Huang Qi exposed the plight of parents whose children were killed during the May 12 Sichuan earthquake last year.  Now he’s been set to face a closed trial on August 5 for so-called „illegally possessing state secrets.“  It’s a charge that’s is often used as a „catch all“ by Chinese authorities to stifle dissent and clamp down on activists.

Huang will be pleading not guilty.

Huang’s lawyer Mo Shaoping told the Associated Press that they don’t believe this is a case of „state secrets,“ nor do they think Huang obtained any information „illegally.“

Huang, who operated the human rights website, was taken by Chinese police in June last year.  It came after he assisted grieving parents who blamed substandard school construction for the deaths of their children during the devastating earthquake.

Huang’s health has deteriorated during detention but has not been granted bail to seek medical assistance. Huang has not been allowed to see his family since his arrest.


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