London: Drumming Record Broken for a Cause

Epoch Times24. Juli 2009

It’s not an ideal place to seek peace and solitude.

But 582 drummers smashed the world record for playing their instruments to the same beat at the same time.

The record attempt at Birmingham’s National Indoor Arena was to raise money for Multiple Sclerosis.

Radio DJ Ian Dunter, seen here on the right, and former Slade drummer Don Power, in the middle, were amongst the participants.

They joked that while their band members got all the fame, drummers deserved some glory.

[Ian Danter, Drummer]:
„Drummers we’re a kindred spirit because guitarist have all the limelight. Vocalists don’t have to carry any gear. We’re the ones…”

[Don Power, Former Drummer of Slade]: 
„We’re the backbone.“

[Ian Danter, Drummer]:
„We’re the goalkeeper of the group. We stick together like kindred spirits. This is like a classic car show for the deaf because everyone walks around and looks at everybody else’s kit.“

The charity „Stick It To MS“ was only launched in January and has already raised over 30,000 (U.S.) dollars.

The event was expected to raise a further 50,000 dollars.

The drummers smashed a previous world record of 533 set in the United States.


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