Storm Baby in Western Australia

Epoch Times1. Juli 2009

Rain and winds over 150 kilometers an hour caused widespread damage in western Australia on Monday, June 29.

At least three families say they came through the storm with stories of uncanny luck.

Daniel Torrijo is grateful their car took the brunt of a fallen tree.

[Daniel Torrijo, Windstorm Survivor]:
„It was the Taralgos that took the brunt of it. And thank God no one was hurt.“

Another resident tells of his lucky escape from a collapsed ceiling with just seconds to spare.

„We were just lucky that no one was here. We were there seconds before it caved in.“

Traffic accidents have caused major commuter chaos and downed power-lines have left 17,000 homes without power.

Helen Roughley was working at a petrol station during the storm, when she was asked by a frantic man to help his wife. Roughley went to the car to find the man’s wife in labor with the couple’s two toddlers in the back seat. Roughley called an ambulance before helping to deliver the baby.

[Helen Roughley, Petrol Station Attendant]:
„And she was in the car saying basically, ‚I’m going to have this baby now, the head’s coming out. I want to push‘. And I was thinking, ‚oh my God what am I going to do.'“

The baby and mother have been transported to the King Edward Memorial hospital where they are both doing well.


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