A heart-warming story for all of us

Epoch Times23. Januar 2018

Daisy the golden retriever was born to be a mom; after giving birth to a litter of seven pups, her life was complete. Then tragedy struck…

„We noticed the fire and it was too late. The barn was completely engulfed.“ said Daisy’s owner, Jessica. The family had to hold her back from running into the fire herself.

Daisy was inconsolable after her three week-old puppies perished in a barn fire. She spent her days grieving for her lost puppies, and Jessica became concerned, „Daisy wandered the 80+ acres lost, sad, and confused. As a mother, I couldn’t fathom her loss. My first thought was to get her a foster pup or pups. The search was on.“


Jessica, together with her sister, posted to a local Facebook group, telling Daisy’s story, and inquired if anyone knew of any orphaned puppies in need of a desperate mom.

First a radio picked it up then a television station noticed and took up the story.

A lady with eight orphaned puppies saw the story, and contacted Jessica, the pups were brought over the next day.

When Daisy saw them it was miraculous! Right away she started nursing the puppies. The pup’s mother had also recently passed away and Daisy was so happy to take her place to care for this new family. And Jessica was relieved to see Daisy back to her joyful self.

“Daisy was in heaven! It was so amazing to see the change. She had purpose again. She laid down to feed them, cleaned them, and even protects them,” she said.

“Without a doubt, these foster pups have helped her. We have our Daisy dog back,” she said.


This sweet dog, Daisy is living proof that even out of the darkest of situations light can be found. This story reminds me of Serendipity; that life is not merely a series of meaningless coincidences, but rather it is a tapestry of acts that culminate in an exquisite, sublime plan.

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