Munich: Surfing on the stream

Epoch Times10. September 2009

Munich is located in the middle of Europe, so for a surfer it’s really a long way to the sea. But wait, what are they doing here? They are surfing on a stream in the English Garden, the Munich Central Park, located in the middle of the city!

[Mr. Thilo Rek, Insurance Mathematician]:
„Once every two or three days, always when I can get off work earlier, I try to come here. To surf itself is the best feeling. Surfing is the greatest sport there is in the world.“

[Mr. Benny Schumann, Student]:
„But, today we are embarrassing ourselves a lot because the wave is quite small.“

[Mr. Thilo Rek, Insurance Mathematician]:
„If it would only be about staying on the wave as long as possible, without trying any difficult tricks, then you could stay as long as you would like, but you shouldn’t stay longer than 30 to 40 seconds. Then the people start to knock, yeh yeh get out!“

The English Garden is one of the world’s largest urban public parks, larger than New York’s Central Park but smaller than London’s Richmond Park.

[Mr. Benny Schumann, Student]:
„When the board floats up and you feel it between your feet, it’s actually a very nice feeling… that is missing a little bit here, but you can exercise quite well for the sea.“

Officially, swimming and surfing in the stream is not allowed, but the rule is not enforced.

NTD news, Munich, Germany


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