Germany: Lucky Wedding on 09-09-09

Epoch Times10. September 2009

When Udo and Ingrid decided to get married – they chose a special place – and date.

Not only did they tie the knot on the top of Germany’s highest mountain – the Zugspitze, but they made their vows on the ninth of the ninth 2009.

These „special dates“ are very popular with German couples.

Newlyweds like Uli and Kerstin hope it will bring luck to the marriage.

[Uli Werner, groom]:
„I’m not superstitious, but it is a special date. We’ve looked forward to this day for a long time.“

Getting married on one of these „special dates“ doesn’t necessarily guarantee everlasting marital bliss.

The divorce rate for couples who tie the knot on a lucky number day is similar to that for people who get hitched at any other time.

But the registrar at the Zugspitze registry office says they have a good track record.

[Rolf Döscher, Registrar]:
„We have good memories of 09.09.99. Eight couples got married here on the Zugspitze, and four at the town hall down in the valley. Only one couple got divorced so far, which is quite a good outcome.“

These love birds are hoping their marriage will last.

And they won’t have any excuses for not remembering their wedding anniversary.


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