Shanghai: Homes Raided Overnight

Epoch Times15. Juni 2009

China’s Gestapo-like 610 office has recently carried out a string of arrests against Falun Gong practitioners in China. The Shanghai State Security office has used the convening of the World Expo as an excuse to break into Falun Gong Practitioners’ homes and arrest them. As of June 11, NTD had news of more than a dozen of people who had been arrested in Shanghai.

Shanghai resident Ying Yu did not expect that paying a visit to her friends, the Guo sisters, would lead to her arrest by the Shanghai, Putuo District State Security.

Sources speaking on the matter did not want to give their identity, for fear of retaliation by communist officials in China.

“She went there to visit. She did not know they are raiding the house.”

On May 25, early in the morning, members of the Shanghai Putuo Security Branch and the 610 office went to Tongchuan road, Zhenguangxin village, to raid Guo Yuefen’s and Guo Yuefang’s home. All of their valuables were taken by the police. The Guo sisters were arrested, and those who visited or inquired about the situation were also arrested.

“Seven or eight individuals rushed here, and at noon I heard that there was someone with the surname of Wang who went to Aunt Guo’s home to check out the situation and was also arrested.”

At 10:30 pm that day the Putuo State Security raided Ying Yu’s home and arrested him.

“They came to raid the home at 10:30 at night. He wouldn’t open the door. They called a locksmith, in the middle of the night; they went to get a locksmith to open the door.”

According to a source, the State Security police did not dare to give out their real names. One of them said that his name is Li Hua, but his real name is Ceng Kai.

A half-hour’s drive from Shanghai, in Kunshan City, police used the excuse of needing to repair a pipe or wanting to borrow something to burst into Falun Gong practitioners‘ home and arrest people.

Also, many Falun Gong practitioners were followed by undercover State Security officers. Practitioners reported seeing people guarding the ground floor of apartment buildings or following them while they went shopping or tried to bathe in the bathhouse.


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