Shen Yun Music „Touches Your Soul“ – Music Composer

Epoch Times1. September 2009

Donald Alexander has been composing and arranging music for 17 years. He saw Shen Yun at Washington, D.C.’s Kennedy Center Opera House, and was delighted by the live orchestra.

[Donald Alexander, Music Composer]:
“It’s divine music. It touches your soul.”

He says Shen Yun’s music has the power to uplift you.

[Donald Alexander, Music Composer]:
“The darkness. The light will come. And it will uplift you again. And people should come and watch it and view it in a sense of divine inspiration.”

YMCA community relations director Donnie Shaw says the orchestra has the perfet blend of Chinese and Western instruments.

[Donnie Shaw, YMCA Community Relations Director]:
“I was tapping on my kneecaps and swaying. I was really getting in to the music.”

Many audience members commended the erhu performer Xiaochun Qi for her solo „Hope“.

[Donnie Shaw, YMCA Community Relations Director]:
“When I hear the music coming out of that particular instrument. I feel like I am relaxing on the back porch, with a nice Chinese drink. It’s relaxing and it makes you just think. Think about what’s on your mind, life. What you’re going through.”

[Mark Haskins, TV Show Producer]:
“That solo was incredible. I teared up a little bit. I didn’t realize you could put that much emotion into an instrument.”

NTD, Washington, D.C.


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2009 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.


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