Web Error Makes Mao a Wanted Man

Epoch Times26. Juni 2009

A photo published yesterday on the website of the People’s Daily, which is run by the Chinese Communist Party, has caused quite a bit of embarrassment.

An article about a wanted man had included a photo of former communist leader Mao Zedong, instead of the actual suspect.

Although the photo was quickly removed, Mao’s picture had been captioned a “wanted man who trafficked women and children”.

Though it sounds like a joke, Hong Kong’s Apple Daily reports that it’s not a laughing matter, as the photo switch could be considered a serious political mistake. And staff involved could be punished.

Chinese Internet censors have been deleting all blogs and posts about the incident.

The People’s Daily website admitted a possible technical error, but some suspect that hackers may have been involved. The incident is still under investigation.


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