World Food Day Highlights Global Hunger

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times17. Oktober 2011

At this market in Nairobi, all is not well.

The price of food here has rocketed in recent months – making existence precarious for many of the city’s poor.

[Rose Odhiambo, Nairobi Resident]:

„Prices have gone up very high, they have affected all of us and now we can’t eat three meals a day like before, we are forced to eat sometimes only once a day.“

Stories like this are the reason why aid organizations and celebrities from around the world marked World Food Day on Sunday.

The UN’s World Food Program launched a campaign fronted by football stars and entertainers to raise awareness about hunger and rising global food prices.

[Josette Sheeran, UN World Food Programme, Executive Director]:

„One out of every seven people will wake up and not even know how to fill this cup of food and with the volatility, they are never sure how much food they are going to have.“

Rising food prices pushed nearly 70 million people into extreme poverty in 2010-2011, according to the UN.

Foto: NTD

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