Burma: Call for Suu Kyi’s Release Echoes Across Asia

Epoch Times31. Juli 2009

Protesters across Asia, including Burmese dissidents and human rights activists, say Aung San Suu Kyi is innocent of all charges filed against her.

They describe her trial as a ploy by the Burmese government to keep her in jail before and during next year’s elections.

Around 50 protesters marched in front of the Burmese Embassy in Manila on Friday (July 31), with a huge banner reading, „A sentence to Daw Aung San Suu Kyi is a sentence to democracy in Burma.“

Protesters from the Free Burma Coalition-Philippines and United Strength donned Suu Kyi masks and chanted „Aung San Suu Kyi verdict not guilty!“

[Egoy Bans, Free Burma Coalition Philippines]:
„Of course we are hoping for freedom for Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and all the political prisoners. But the world knows that the military junta will be handing down a sentence of guilty. We are saying we are here to express to the international community that we find the military junta as the guilty one.“

Burmese dissidents in Bangkok picketed outside the Burmese embassy and called for Suu Kyi’s release.

Suu Kyi was charged with breaching security laws in May, after American John Yettaw swam across a lake to her home and stayed, uninvited, for two days.

The Burma Democratic Network released a statement saying the charges were made up by the the military and were obviously aimed at detaining Suu Kyi until the end of the 2010 election.

The statement says it was the fault of the general on duty that an intruder entered her home.

In downtown Seoul, a small group of protesters gathered in front of the Burmese embassy, chanting and holding placards with photos of Suu Kyi.

[Nay Tun Naing, Burmese Activist]:
„We demand the junta immediately release our national leader Aung San Suu Kyi. Aung San Suu Kyi is our national leader, and our hope, and icon of our Burmese democracy.“

And in Tokyo, around 20 Burmese supporters of Suu Kyi rallied in front of the Burmese Embassy demanding her release. 

[Than Thaw Aye, Burmese Protester]:
„I think the worldwide criticism against the Burmese government has prompted them to adjourn the verdict. If Burma is a constitutional state, it should release Suu Kyi as soon as possible.“

A guilty verdict is widely expected in Burma, where the courts have in the past been known to favor the ruling military junta, which has ruled the country since 1962.


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