„Absolutely Magnificent“ – TV Host on Shen Yun in Washington, D.C.

Epoch Times31. August 2009

John Monsul is the host of Communication Today, which has aired in Fairfax, Virginia for the last two decades.

He took his wife to see Shen Yun at Washington, D.C.’s Kennedy Center. And they loved it.

[John Monsul, Television Show Producer and Host]:
“We can’t wait for January. Let’s see this is August, September, October, November, we have to wait four more months. We can’t wait for four more months. We wish it was tomorrow.”

Shen Yun combines classical Chinese dance, a live orchestra of Western and Chinese instruments, and a huge digital backdrop to bring audience members 5,000 years of Chinese culture in one evening.

[John Monsul, Television Show Producer and Host]:
“Today’s production was absolutely magnificent. It was, my wife and I agreed, it was probably the most beautiful show that we ever saw in our entire lives and we have been to a lot of shows and a lot of theaters around the country, around the world.”

The deeper meanings and themes through the performance left an impression on Mr. Monsul.

[John Monsul, Television Show Producer and Host]:
“Integrity, truthfulness, honesty, compassion, love, and all the wonderful characteristics that you people talk about and promote as your central theme of this program are wonderful things that people around the world should know about and can benefit from.”

NTD, Washington, D.C.


Die Epoch Times Deutschland freut sich, als Medienpartner von Shen Yun Performing Arts World Tour 2009 ihren Leserinnen und Lesern einen exklusiven Einblick in ein einzigartiges Kulturereignis bieten zu können.



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