Australia: Unique White Humpback Whale Sighted

Epoch Times1. Juli 2009

Whale watchers in Australia were delighted to see one albino Humpback whale return this season. Migaloo, the world’s only known white Humpback whale was spotted off the coast of Queensland today.

Migaloo was first spotted in 1991 passing Australia’s most east point at Byron Bay.

Since then he’s returned year after year on his annual migration north to warmer waters for mating season. And this year he brought a friend with him, a grey whale.

Migaloo is now in his twenties, his prime, and marine biologists are hoping his new friend is female.

Whale-watching is a favorite attraction in Australia.

„To see that iridescent white. Until you see I don’t think you’d believe it. It’s beautiful.“

„It was quite interesting because, like, there was all the black ones and then there was just white one. Yeah it was really good.“

The east Australian humpback population was thought to number around 30,000 before commercial whaling began in the late 18th century. Whaling eventually stopped in the 1960s, but only about 10,000 Humpback whales are around today


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