Breivik’s Public Pretrial Opens in Oslo

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times15. November 2011

Survivors of the July massacre in Norway line up outside an Oslo courtroom.

They are here to see anti-Muslim militant Anders Behring Breivik’s pretrial.

Breivik is accused of killing 77 people in a bombing in Oslo and a separate shooting spree at a youth camp.

Many who survived the deadly attacks seek closure.

[Eirik Kursetgjerde, Utoeya Survivor]:

„It’s because I want to feel safe again. I want to not be afraid anymore. I want to see the appearance of him. I want to try to understand why, or not understand, but sort of, get a meaning of why he did what he did, and that’s why I am here today.“

Others worry the trial will be little more than a media circus.

[Sondre Lindhagen Nilssen, Utoeya Survivor]:

„I don’t have that many expectations, really. But I just hope that this will not be this big media show, media circus.“

Monday was the first time the 32-year-old’s pretrial was open to the public.

Brievik is expected to go on trial in 2012.

Foto: NTD

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