China: Boy Beaten to Death at Chinese Internet Rehab Camp

Epoch Times7. August 2009

A 15-year-old boy has died in southern Guangxi province less than 24 hours after going to an internet addiction rehabilitation camp.

On Sunday afternoon, Deng Senshan’s parents took him to the Qihang Salvation Training Camp in Nanning city. The goal was to treat his internet addiction. But the next morning, police told them their son had died after a severe beating.

The parents had signed an agreement which stated that punishment could be used to educate the child, but a camp trainer promised Deng’s parents that he would not be beaten and would not even receive physical training in the first two days. Police revealed, however, that Deng was almost immediately ordered to jog, and when he ran too slowly, his trainer beat him.

Chinese media reported that other children who left the camp in the following days all had varying injuries from beatings. Four trainers at the camp have been arrested.


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