Copenhagen: Thousands Protest at Climate Summit

Epoch Times17. Dezember 2009

Thousands of pro-climate change activists rallied outside the Copenhagen summit on Wednesday.

As the conference continues, protesters challenging the lack of progress on a global deal to stop climate change took to the streets.

Police in riot gear reacted by pushing back the crowd.

The riots broke out after the United Nations secretary general announced at a press conference on Wednesday morning, that it’s time to stop pointing fingers.

High-level talks opened with UN chief Ban Ki-moon telling nations to seal a deal on climate change.

[Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary General]:
„The time for delay and blame is over. It is time to start looking inthe mirror and start offering what the member states could do.“

Delegates from 192 countries have been going over the details of a new draft text. The climate talks are currently deadlocked over emission cuts and financial aid for poorer countries. A major hurdle is that the United States has not yet passed legislation capping its emissions, unlike all its main industrial allies.

[Ban Ki-Moon, United Nations Secretary General]:
„We must leave this conference in Copenhagen with a strong and robust and substantive outcome.“

Only hours later, the Danish minister, Connie Hedegaard, resigned as president of the UN climate change summit in Copenhagen.

She will be replaced by the Danish prime minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen.

The high-level segment of the summit with more than 120 world leaders will be held on Thursday and Friday.


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