Firebomb Guts French Magazine Office

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times3. November 2011

The exterior of the Paris offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, which was set on fire in the early hours of Wednesday.

This week’s issue was to show a cartoon of the Prophet Mohammed, who was also listed as the guest editor.

Stephane Charbonnier, editor of the magazine, said a window was smashed and a Molotov cocktail thrown inside.

[Stephane Charbonnier, Editor, „Charlie Hebdo“]:

„These people have reacted violently to an edition that isn’t even on the stands yet, hasn’t even come yet, that nobody’s even seen, just on the basis of rumor or… we don’t know, they just got this idea, and here’s the result.“

The magazine’s website also appeared to have been hacked and showed images of a mosque with the message „No god but Allah.“

The publication of a cartoon of Mohammed in a Danish newspaper in 2005 sparked angry protests across the Muslim world in which at least 50 people died.

Foto: NTD

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