Japan: Microsoft Releases Windows 7

Epoch Times23. Oktober 2009

Shoppers in Tokyo line up in front of a popular electronics store hours before the launch of Microsoft’s Windows 7 operating system.

It has received good reviews. Consumers say they’re eager to try something that is faster, less cluttered, and less frustrating than the Microsoft Vista operating system.

Windows 7 may put the world’s largest software company back in the limelight.

Microsoft also has a range of offers in conjunction with retailer Best Buy and PC makers such as Dell and Acer.

Acer chairman J. T. Wang says Windows 7 is expected to help sales.

[J. T. Wang, Acer Chairman]:
“Look at Microsoft in the past ten years, they make the operating system more complicated all the way, and this time they turned back to make the user interface simple. It’s a totally opposite designing philosophy. I don’t like the past, I like the current one, and I consider the user is going to like that.“

Acer aims to boost its revenue by more 70 percent over the next three years.

[J. T. Wang, Acer Chairman]:
„I always complain – Microsoft is too far away from the market in the past several years. And this time I feel they are coming back, and I welcome this.“

Taiwan-based Acer beat out former No. 2 Dell in the global PC market in the third quarter, putting it next in line behind PC leader Hewlett-Packard.


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