Mass Evacuations and Hundreds Killed

Foto: NTD
Epoch Times11. Oktober 2011

Thousands of people flee their homes by boat, as Thailand’s worst floods in 50 years inundate Ayyutthaya.

More than 300 patients are also being evacuated from a local hospital, as flood waters flow through the city center.

The Public Health Ministry announced it had temporarily closed the hospital, as water levels reached depths of 2.2 metres.

Ayyuthaya – Thailand’s historic capital, famous for its ancient temple – is located 100 kilometres north of the modern day capital Bangkok.

Thailand’s Department of Prevention and Mitigation said on Sunday that at least 261 people have been killed since the flooding began in mid July.

And there’s more to come with the country’s weather office saying it expects even more rain over the next three to four days.

Foto: NTD

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