Netherlands: Anne Frank Protector Dies

Epoch Times14. Januar 2010

Miep Gies was the last surviving member of the group who helped shield Anne Frank from the Nazis.

Her death at the age of 100 closes another chapter in the remarkable story of the teenager’s diary that chronicled the Frank family’s time in hiding.

Gies was one of several employees of Anne Frank’s father in the Netherlands who smuggled food and other vital supplies to their secret apartment.

Anne Frank, her sister, parents and four other Jewish people spent 25 months concealed in the attic above the Frank family’s offices in Amsterdam.

Their hide-out was raided in 1944.

All the occupants were sent to concentration camps.

Anne Frank died from typhus in the Bergen-Belsen camp.

Only her father survived the war.

Gies gave him his daughter’s now-famous diary which was published in 1947.

She became an ambassador for the poignant memoir and an ardent campaigner against those who denied the Holocaust took place.

She’s always played down her role as heroine, saying others did far more to protect Jews in the Netherlands


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