Sotheby’s Auctions off Turner for $45 Million

Epoch Times9. Juli 2010

A JMW Turner sold for a record $45 million U.S. dollars on Wednesday.

The pre-sale expectations at Sotheby’s auction of Old Master and British paintings were nearly half the price of what the English Romantic landscape painter’s masterpiece brought in.

The painting, „Modern Rome – Campo Vaccino“ drew the biggest bid among nine record prices for artists at Sotheby’s evening summer sale.

It took just 5 minutes for the prized piece to sell, with six bidders battling it out for the rare work that had come up for auction only once before in its 171-year history.

This was a record sell for the world renowned artist, whose last painting for auction sold at 31 million dollars.

It was a successful evening overall at Sotheby’s.  Against an expected turnover of between 50 and 75 million dollars, total sales fetched nearly 81 million.


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