Ukrainian Gipsy Holocaust Victims Remembered

Epoch Times7. August 2009

When Nazi Germany attacked Babui Yar, Ukraine between 1941 and 1943, about 250 thousand people were killed — most of them were Jewish, Ukrainian nationalists, prisoners of war, and gypsies.

August 2nd is an international memorial day for the World War 2 gypsy victims or, as they refer to themselves, the Roman people.  This is the first time people in Ukraine commemorate this anniversary.  No one knows the exact number of those who died in Babui Yar.  The Nazis used them to test weapons of mass destruction.  Today, the Roman people recall what happened back then with tears in their eyes.

[Michel Kondenko, Organizer of the Event]:
“[People from] four gypsy villages were shot and killed here — Children, teenagers, and my relatives.“

[Arthur Ankovski, Participant of the Meeting]:
„A war happened here. Everyone was shot. People died and were buried into the ground.“

Twice, they tried to shoot Ludmila Kirpaeva’s mother.  She was able to escape, but her sister was shot.  She remembers those days from her mother’s stories.

[Ludmila Kirpaeva, Participant of the Event]:
„Children, who were around 3 to 4 years of age, were praying for four days. They did not have a crumb of food, or a drop of water.  They got on their knees and whispered: ‘Dear God, please give us a little water and a small piece of bread.’”

Today, the Romans traveled here with their families.  They’re bringing flowers and candles to the memorial wall.  Plans are underway to build a monument here in memory of the Roman Holocaust victims by next year. 

Close to 15 million gypsies were shot and killed during the Second World War. 

NTD, Кiev, Ukraine.


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