Water Rafting Boosts Kashmir Tourism

Epoch Times25. Juni 2009

Indian Kashmir is slowly seeing a return of tourism since a peace process got started in the region.

White river rafting in Indian Kashmir has now become a major tourist attraction.

The rapids of the Lidder River in Anantnag district offer exciting possibilities for the adventurous sportsman.

[Kapil Mehta, Tourist]:
„I think that such an adventurous sport feels appealing to tourists and they would be more than willing to visit Kashmir since one can not find such thing elsewhere.”

Rafting has also opened new employment opportunities for local youngsteres.

[Mohammad Ibrahim, Raft Owner]:
„We will benefit a lot from this and right now we have around 30 to 40 employees.”

And India’s tourism secretary is all set to help boost tourism in the region.

[Surjeet Banerjee, Secretary of Tourism]:
“We at the central government are trying our best to boost the tourism sector of Jammu and Kashmir.“

Pahalgam is an ideal destination not only for river rafting, but also for hiking, trekking and fishing.

Indian Kashmir had been Asia’s top destination for honeymoon couples and nature lovers. But numbers fell drastically in the last twenty years due to India and Pakistan’s violent border dispute.

Now, since the recent peace process, visitors are slowly returning to ‚the garden of the top of the world‘.


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